Project 1 - Number Guessing Server
Develop a TCP/IP based server that implements a number guessing game. This assignment is an introduction to TCP/IP socket programming and connecting clients and servers together. You will only be responsible for the server side of things, you can use “telnet” for testing and validation. Additionally you can use telnet, a simple text-based client to interact with your server.
Project 2 - HTTP Server
Create your own simple HTTP (web) server. Your server must allow (serve) files and subdirectories from a “document root” folder over a TCP port to HTTP clients (web browsers). Both the document root and TCP port must be configurable via command line parameters or a configuration file. Your server must be able to serve concurrent (simultaneous) requests as well as multiple requests over time.
Project 3 - TBD
Project 3 is not yet defined.
Project 4 - TBD
Project 4 is not yet defined.